Triphala has been hailed as an anti-bacterial, anti-oxidant, detoxifying tonic, which can be used in multiple ways. Touted as a natural laxative because of the presence of tannins, it also is a health promoter and has become increasingly popular because of its numerous health benefits.
Price (KG) - 95/150
Triphala has been hailed as an anti-bacterial, anti-oxidant, detoxifying tonic, which can be used in multiple ways. Touted as a natural laxative because of the presence of tannins, it also is a health promoter and has become increasingly popular because of its numerous health benefits.
Price (KG) - 95/150
Giloy (Amrita or Guduchi) is traditionally known as a herb that helps boost immunity. It has heart-shaped leaves that resemble betel leaves. Giloy powder can be used for various skin problems as it helps to remove toxins from the body, and is traditionally used to fight fever, protect against cancer, boost the immune system, and regulate blood sugar.
Price (KG) - 75
Red sandalwood is a tree. The wood at the center of the trunk (heartwood) is used as medicine. Red sandalwood is used for treating digestive tract problems, fluid retention, and coughs; and for “blood purification.”
The Kapoor Kachri powder is to be mixed in a glass of water or with conditioner, serum, shampoo or anything to make a paste and use it in your hair so as to get the best results. It will strengthen up your hair and volumize it. With its regular use it can control the hair fall.